Thursday, August 27, 2015

Golden Retrievers

Golden Retrievers are very sociable dogs. Its origins date back to 1865 when the aristocrat Lord tweedmouth was looking for the perfect dog to facilitate bird hunting in the woods of Guisachan, Scotland. After about 20 years of crossbreeding, the Golden Retriever was ready to be presented, as it’s known nowadays. Near 1925, it was recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC), and today is one of the most popular breeds around the world.

This kind hunter breed loves the water, and they have webbed paws ideal for swimming. As hunting dogs, their “soft mouth” is a great advantage because they transport the prey without chewing it. Golden Retrievers have a strong constitution; their height is 22-24 inches (Males) and 20-22 inches (Females) and weighs around 60-80 pounds (males) and 55-70 pounds (Females). Their external coat is water-repellent, and they have a dense interior one, in a variety of gold tones. Their lifespan is supposed to be 12-14 years.

They are obedient and with a simple training they can be ready to follow commands. It is not recommended to choose this breed as guardian dogs, as they have a lovely personality. However, their unique qualities make them useful for different scenarios: victims search and rescue, helping people with disabilities, detection of drugs and explosives.
Some essential tips to take care of this lovely friend at home are:

The Nutrition it's very important when looking for their food. Try to find multiple meat proteins as the main ingredients. Protein from various sources such as lamb, chicken and fish is viewed as being beneficial unless your dog is allergic to certain proteins. Their daily diet should be related to the amount of physical activity performed, as they are prone to obesity. They should have fixed schedules. Serve fresh water all the time using stainless steel buckets.

Exercise and play
They are very active, and can easily run the whole day. It is recommended that the dogs exercise on a regular basis, they should be taken outside for daily walks and also get the opportunity to swim at some point. It would be good to keep them in open areas during their spare time. Also, Golden Retrievers love to chew everything around, so you need to provide them squeaky and super tough toys, which can satisfy that need and also clean their teeth.

Because they are prone to hip dysplasia and skin problems, common symptoms like the resistance of doing some movements, itching, and ears discomfort, are signals that something is not right. The veterinary supervision is a key for guarantee the appropriate prevention and treatment of these symptoms.

The Golden Retriever, a playful, energetic, and smart dog, with and incredible loyalty behavior is the perfect family pet.

Because of its density hair, it requires to be brushed every day. This way you will to control excessive hair loss and avoid knotted hair, which can lead to infections with parasites like fleas and mites.

A monthly bath with a special dry shampoo will keep your Golden Retriever clean and will prevent the presence of bacteria and parasites. Remember to clean its ears periodically, as they are likely to acquire infections.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Steps to House Training your Puppy

House training your puppy could be a simple process. This practice is all about consistency and patient. Typically it takes 5 to 6 months for a puppy to be fully housetrained; however, some puppies may take more than that. It could be harder for smaller breeds since they have smaller bladder; for instance, they require more frequent trips outside.

Some tips to start training your puppy are:

  • Take the puppy out in the same spot early in the morning and after that once every hour. 
  • Clean any accidents very quickly, so they can’t smell the urine; this way we prevent puppies to continue eliminating in the same spot.
  • Keep a daily feeding schedule and remove food between meals.
  • Make sure that every member of the family is involved in the training process.
  • Celebrate your puppy achievements and give him a treat as soon as he finished.

The purpose of house training your puppy is to enhance good habits and build a friendship connection with your pet. Remember never to scold your puppy for any accidents, instead teach it with love and patience and you will see the results very quickly.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Corn Snake

Corn Snakes or Red Rat Snake can be found in the Eastern and Central zones of The United States. The adult’s size is around 3’–6’ feet (1.2–1.8 m).Their lifespan in the wild is usually around 6 to 8 years, but in captivity Corn Snakes can live to be up to 20 years old or longer.

Like all snakes, Corn Snakes are carnivorous, so you need to be prepared to give them small rodents such as white mice and small rats. In the wild, they will eat every few days, but in captivity adults can eat 1 big rat or 2 adult white mice each week. Rodents are an excellent source of calcium and vitamins for Corn Snakes. Also, you must provide fresh and chlorine free water all the time.

In captivity, we need to create the ideal environment for the Corn Snakes. Adults will need at least a 20-40 gallon terrarium with a lockable sliding screen lid. The recommended daytime temperature for the terrarium is from 75 to 79°F, and in the nighttime 72 to 75°F. Using thermometers is essential to keep the right temperature.  Additionally, you can help your pet with the digestion by placing in the terrarium a belly heat or a hot rock; you can find this accessory in any specialized store.

Corn Snakes are one of the most popular types of snakes to keep as pets. They are docile and reluctant to bite. Also, they tolerate very good to be handled, all these characteristics contribute to their popularity.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

First Aid Kit for pets. What do we need?

We must always be prepared for any accident or emergency that may occur with our pets. Usually we always keep at home a first aid kit. Although, most of the things that we have on it are useful for our pets, it is highly recommended to have a separate kit for them.

To prepare the First Aid Kit for your pet you will need a waterproof plastic container with the following implements:
  •          Small Scissors
  •          Tweezers
  •          Rectal Thermometer
  •          Cotton Tip Applicators
  •          Sterile Gauze Pads of various sizes (To wrapping wounds)
  •          Latex Gloves (To avoid infecting the wound)
  •          Antibiotic Ointment (For minor cuts or scratches)
  •         Syringe or Eye Dropper (to administer oral medications)
  •         Small Towels (to stop bleeding)
  •         Saline (To remove the dirty wounds)
  •      Keep The Animal Poison Control Center Phone Number (APCC) 888-426-4435 hotline, which is available 24 hours to get the help necessary for poisoning emergencies (Charges may apply).

With these tips, you will have the necessary tools to treat your pet in any emergency situation. Keep the first aid kit in a fresh dry place where you have easy access to it; this could help to save your pet's life and keep it safe until it receives veterinarian assistance.