Saturday, May 30, 2015

Mother's Day 2015 HSB

Fort Lauderdale, FL – “For the Love of PAWS” photo gallery is a unique opportunity to pay tribute to a beloved pet while benefiting the Humane Society of Broward County and the perfect gift for a pet-loving mom. The pet attends a private photo session at the shelter with photographer David Lee (people may appear in the photo as well). The contributor’s photo of choice is framed and a custom plaque created. The black and white photo will be displayed at the HSBC in one of three select areas, with the cost ranging from $1,500 to $5,000 depending upon the area chosen. The photos will remain on display for five years, after which the client may renew or keep the framed photo. The contribution is tax-deductible, and 21 photos have been sold to date. 
For the Love of Paws Gallery offers the opportunity to visually emphasize the human/pet connection throughout the Humane Society of Broward County as a tribute to our pets. The photo gallery will raise over $50,000 for the shelter.  For more details, please call 954-266-6818.
The Humane Society of Broward County is a private, non-profit organization supported by donations from companies and people who want to make a difference in the lives of homeless animals. The shelter has only one location at 2070 Griffin Road, Fort Lauderdale and is not affiliated with any national or local organization with a similar name. To see animals up for adoption or find out about other upcoming events visit our website at

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


These amazing birds carry a beautiful silver-greyish plumage that brings elegance to any environment. Although they require a serious commitment, they are great lifelong companions. African grey parrots bring joy and laughter into the lives of all who have had the pleasure of knowing one, as they are loving, playful, and intelligent. These talkative little friends enjoy appearing as guests in living room reunions where they like to pay attention to the conversations. 
An African grey parrot eats twice a day and must have fruits and vegetables in their diet. They also like their meals to vary; therefore, it is important to add other types of food including hard boiled eggs, natural yogurt, seeds.

The African grey Parrot originates in the lowlands of western and central Africa, from northern Angola to Guinea. They can grow up to 33 centimeters in length, with an average wingspan of 46 to 52 centimeters, and weigh up to 400 grams.
Anyone who has had an African Grey will tell you that they can’t consider them a pet, as they have the intelligence level of up to a five-year old and the temperament of a two-year old. They are known as the “Einstein’s” of the parrot world due to their incredible ability to speak. It is important to know that African grey parrots are much more intelligent than they are often given credit for.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Caring for a Thoroughbred

Thoroughbred horses are known for their speed, agility and spirit. But these beautiful creatures require a special care. The owner must provide plenty of fresh water that guarantees the functionality of its vital signs. If the feed is based on hay, the horse must eat approximately two or three percent of his body weight per day. Any mistakes in feeding can result in grave sicknesses such as colic, diarrheas and gastric ulcers. It is highly recommendable clean all the feeding and drinking trays daily and to maintain a detailed regiment of their eating habits whit small portions but numerously throughout the day.
One of the most important factors in the well being of a thoroughbred is a sheltered stable that can provide protection against all types of weather conditions. A clean environment is very important for the health of these animals, as ammonia and urine can be detrimental to its hoofs and lungs causing illnesses such as candidiasis.
The comfort of the Thoroughbred is essential for a great performance. The most popular beds are made of wood shavings because they are clean and hygienic. One could also use rubber coating to provide greater comfort and rest. But for ultimate deluxe comfort, the floor should be covered with a rubber coating followed by wood shavings and hay on the top to provide warmth.
On a weekly basis, they must undergo an in-depth body inspection in search of scrapes, cuts, contusions, and wound in the legs, head, and body. If one is found, it must be treated immediately. Runny noses or eyes, cough or extreme saliva are also key factors in detecting bad health. It is of vital importance to clean the hoofs and horseshoe’s to ensure that everything is in the right place. A loose metal could result in long-term health issues.
Other key habits to maintaining a thoroughbred healthy are: keeping strict deworming program, annual visits to an equine dentist or veterinarian that can provide dental examination services, and ensure it receives its vaccines on time.
Following all the advices the thoroughbred horse will be healthy and happy because it will have all the conditions for a healthy development.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Tips for choosing a bird to take home

After taking the decision to have a bird as a pet, you should prepare for choosing the type of bird perfect to take home. Their lovely colors, sounds, songs or beauty should not only drive us to make the decision. 
For the best choice, we will give some tips to help you find the correct one that will best fits to your family.
Initially you have to find a free space at home to locate the bird, this will be the area for the cage. If you live in an apartment or condo ideally you should have a small bird. If you live in a house with a good size, you could include large birds like cockatoos, exotic birds, parrots, etc. You should consider your neighbors, since not everyone likes the sounds of the birds.
You should also consider why you want this bird as a pet. If it is only as company without singing, we recommend a little parrot. However, if you are thinking on songbirds, we recommend a canary.

If you are looking for birds that will delight you with pirouettes, colors and slightly larger size we can talk of quaker parrots, cockatoos, among others.
Your time is extremely important when talking about dedication and care of the bird, as for any pet. Usually people who have a busy schedule can think of a small bird and those who have more time may think about getting a bigger bird.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Advantages of Having a Pet at Home

You may have asked yourself at some time about the benefits of having a pet in your home. If you’ve ever asked friends to share their experiences, you may have heard some good things and some not so good things about having a pet. In reality, having a pet in the family provides a series of benefits that may involve all members of the family in different ways.
Let us begin with the company that is provided by a pet inside home. The daily companion provides the pleasure of accompaniment to children, parents, and grandparents. Helping and maintaining a live being requiring attention can boost self-esteem and generate confidence, providing satisfaction to every family member.
Parents have a decisive influence when teaching children that pets are also living beings. As pets require care and attention, children develop a set of new values, including protection, responsibility, respect towards animals and coexistence.
Studies show that without a doubt, having a pet may greatly aid in the recovery of people suffering from illnesses. It has been found that pets, such as dogs, can aid people with temporary or chronic disabilities, such as with physical therapy.
We can finally conclude that having a pet can provide a series of advantages, benefiting every family member in one way or another, making them invaluable members of the family.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Goldfish are great pets for the young and old alike.
These freshwater fish are relatively easy to care for, and can give you many years of enjoyment, if cared for correctly. The goldfish is one of the most commonly kept aquarium fish, as it is a peaceful, schooling fish, and gets along well with other fish. Unlike tropical fish, goldfish will live in a wide range of water temperatures.
There are over 100 types of goldfish. Some have one tail, while others have two. They come in a variety of striking colors, and can have fascinating features. Goldfish have strong associative learning abilities, as well as social learning skills. You may notice your goldfish react favorably to you, while hiding when other people approach the tank, as their visual acuity allows them to distinguish between individual humans. Over time, goldfish learn to associate their owners and other humans with food, and may begin “begging” for food when approached.

As goldfish have a memory-span of at least three months, they can distinguish between shapes, colors, and sounds. In fact, with positive reinforcement, you may train your goldfish to recognize and react to light signals of different colors, or perform tricks. 
As goldfish are small, inexpensive, and colorful, they can easily survive in an outdoor pond or water garden, indoors in an aquarium, and they may even survive for brief periods if ice forms on the surface of their habitats, as long as there is enough oxygen remaining in the water, and the water does not freeze solid. Their ability to survive in different types of habitats and to get along with other fish make them ideal pets.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Hygiene in Cats

Over the years, the million-dollar question has been heard echoing through the corners of every cat lover’s home: are cats the most hygienic pets?
Cat lovers would always say yes, but objectively we know this is a tough question to pose. To reach the most assertive conclusion to this age-old question, we have decided to dissect the daily grooming routine of these beloved felines and say that the cat is one of the most independent pets there are.
By all accounts, cats are very busy animals. They can spend between 30% and 50% of the day grooming themselves. They also, despite common misperception, unselfishly groom their other feline family members cats. The grooming routine begins systematically by cleaning and combing their paws, onto the head, and continues to the genitals and body. They use their barbed tongues as grooming tools to aid in licking and maintaining themselves moist; their front paws become their washcloth. And lastly, their teeth are used to remove any dirt adhered to their bodiesA
nAnother important aspect in cat hygiene is how they eliminate waste. Long known for their independent spirit, in this department, they find themselves dependent on their litter box. Cats, as per their discreet nature, usually cover their excrement immediately in order to avoid odor. Therefore, as a cat owner, it is always important to remove the dirty litter from the box. On the contrary, cats will refrain from using it and go hunting for a new hot spot.
If your cat dislikes baths and/or brushings, it is important to avoid doing these forcefully. To further strengthen your Pet-Owner relationship, you can use human grooming procedures only if your cat enjoys being brushed daily. This is beneficial to the Pet-Owner relationship, and provides the pet owner opportunities to attend to any skin problems that even a master groomer could not attend toother important aspect in cat hygiene is how they eliminate waste. Long known for their independent spirit, in this department, they find themselves dependent on their litter box. Cats, as per their discreet nature, usually cover their excrement immediately in order to avoid odor. Therefore, as a cat owner, it is always important to remove the dirty litter from the box. On the contrary, cats will refrain from using it and go hunting for a new hot spot.
If your cat dislikes baths and/or brushings, it is important to avoid doing these forcefully. To further strengthen your Pet-Owner relationship, you can use human grooming procedures only if your cat enjoys being brushed daily. This is beneficial to the Pet-Owner relationship, and provides the pet owner opportunities to attend to any skin problems that even a master groomer could not attend to..

Thursday, May 7, 2015


How to measure a Dog’s Temperature?

The most accurate and reliable way to measure a dog's temperature is to use a thermometer.
Owners often visit a veterinary clinic arguing that their dog has a fever because they found that its nose was hot and dry. And although this is one of the most common symptoms of a fever in a dog, these misled assumptions lead to unnecessary worry and more importantly, an incorrect diagnosis.
The thermometer is the best tool to use when measuring your dogs temperature. The thermometer must be unique and exclusive to animal use only, and is performed rectally (into the anus). For faster and more accurate readings, we recommend the use of digital thermometers. To get a dogs temperature with the most accurate readings, you should ask for someone’s help in holding the animal and follow these steps:
  • Apply Vaseline to the head of the rectal thermometer to be used.
  • Slowly insert the thermometer into the anus of the animal. Calculate approximately 2.5 cm deep.
  • If using a mercury thermometer, wait two minutes.
  • Remove the thermometer slowly from the animal’s anus. 
  • Read and record the temperature provided. 
  • Shake to reset temperature and clean the thermometer before its next use.
  • The dog's average rectal temperature is 39 degrees Celsius with an "acceptable" variation of 0.5 above or below standard temperature. If the temperature of a dog measures below 37.2ยบ C or above 40 ° C, it is considered a serious condition and you should consult a veterinarian immediately so they can further investigate your dog’s health.